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Therapy and exercise prescription |

Mobile, Registered Physiotherapy Service | 

Electrotherapy machine hire |

Dressage Horse

Equestrian exercise implementation  | 

|  L2 Equestrian coaching  | 

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  • Massage techniques

  • Myofascial release

  • Trigger point therapy

  • Soft tissue mobilisation

  • Passive range of motion

  • Stretching



They mainly increase circulation and work in a variety of ways to positively affect the cells for optimised healing. In addition to pain relief, increasing mobility, joint range of motion and improve overall tissue function. Massage and stretching also complement eachother in cases of scar tissue and adhesions.




  • Pain                                 

  • Muscle tension

  • Scar tissue

  • Stiffness 

  • Muscle spasm




What do they do?


  • Circulation 

  • Mobility

  • Joint range of motion

  • Tissue healing

  • Flexibility 

  • Mood



  • Tens machine 

  • NMES machine

  • Class 3b laser (light therapy)

  • Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMFT)

  • H-Wave therapy

  • Hot /cold therapy 

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What do they do? 


  • Pain                                 

  • Haematoma 

  • Oedema/swelling 

  • Muscle spasm

  • Nerve healing

  • Mobility

  • Tissue healing

  • Assist muscle building.


Electrotherapies are valuable to further target the response needed from the cells to induce healing alongside manual therapies or, where manual therapy may not be suitable. Each electrotherapy has variable settings to better target the effects on the cells according to the individuals' needs. At certain stages of healing they can also work to improve chronic conditions.

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  • Kinesiology taping

  • Remedial exercise prescription 

  • Equestrian coaching is also available for remedial exercise training both groundwork and ridden. 

What do they do?

They are an integral part of rehabilitation and maintenance for the animals posture, co-ordination, quality of life, joint support, spinal and muscular health. Exercise plans can also prevent injury to your animal by ensuring even muscle mass to support and stabilise joints from compensatory movement.




On the day, we take a full history of your animal to be able to build a better picture when combining both visual and manual assessments. This enables us to clinically reason the treatment plan, utilising a range of remedial exercises, manual and electrotherapies within the treatment and provides you as an owner with targeted exercises for your pet to ensure a long term recovery.



On the day, the owner is needed to 'trot up' and handle during the assessment and treatment. This is also a good time to discuss any aftercare and exercise plan advice. Your pet: Please ensure they are dry and clean to enable a full treatment.


Run Free Veterinary physiotherapy works to provide a full service by working with other veterinary health professionals such as the vet, farrier, other physical therapists,  saddle fitter, behaviourist and trainer.  As a VP and member of the NAVP we work under veterinary referral. Based on an assessment, the aim of a session is to relieve pain, discomfort, restore and improve mobility. Also to maintain or improve muscle symmetry for optimised posture and prevention of injury.


Prior to visitation, we will gather a brief history of your animal via phone call consultation and need to have received veterinary consent, this may be done by filling out our referral form on the home page and sending it to your vet or it can be done on your behalf.


An owner consent form is also required for physiotherapy treatment to confirm you are happy for us to liaise with your vet when/ if required. This can be obtained on the day. 


All personal data is stored and removed in compliance with the GDPA regulations (2018), in which you have the right to withdraw any data we hold, at your request.



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